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Sound Series: Imarhan

Sunday, May 6, 2018, 8 p.m.

A photograph of four men standing on a street with a river in the background. Three of the men are standing in front of the two others. They are all looking at the camera. Two men have their arms folder and the man on the left has his right hand in his pants pocket.

We welcome Imarhan from Tamanrasset, Southern Algeria. Imarhan, meaning ‘the ones I care about,’ deftly blend repeating guitar melodies with pan-African rhythms, which draw on the traditional Tuareg music of Southern Sahara, African ballads, and modern pop and rock influences. The band’s debut album, Imarhan, is intent on dismantling the ideas western listeners have about popularized Tuareg music. The band’s lead vocalist and guitarist Iyad Moussa Ben Abderahmane (aka Sadam) also performs with the pioneering Tuareg band Tinariwen (who performed at The Warhol in 2014).

Doors open at 7:30 p.m.

Co-presented with PANDEMIC.

Sound Series

Sound Series is an ongoing concert series featuring internationally touring contemporary artists and bands from around the world. Learn more about our Sound Series.

Imarhan (Official Video)

Imarhan performing "Imarhan" Live on KCRW